April has been a challenging month for Nomescorp on Okinawa

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by NOMES/ on 27 Apr 2024

April has been a challenging month for Nomescorp on Okinawa

April has been a challenging month for Nomescorp on Okinawa, but we’ve stepped up and made it happen! Despite less-than-optimal weather conditions, our team has successfully coated over 250 meters of 2-inch pipeline and is now working on the full 6-inch pipeline. This project encompasses 2 tanks and a 4-pump TFS pad spanning over 200 meters. Our team has worked in close coordination with the MCAS Futenma facility managers and our prime contractor to ensure timely completion.

Our maintenance teams have also performed multiple repairs and installed components to extend the service life of fuel hoses on the critical hot pit refueling areas. In addition, two of our senior management staff have mobilized to Misawa air base Japan to conduct surveys and site visits for upcoming work on flightline TFS, as well as an upcoming government project repairing fuel piping and components.

Nomescorp’s ability to multitask and provide support across the Asia Pacific area is what makes us your go-to source for fuels maintenance, construction, engineering support, electrical work, and IT support. We make it happen!

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