Camp Foster Installing New Fueling Nozzle

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by NOMES/ on 23 Mar 2023

Camp Foster Installing New Fueling Nozzle

Temporary Nozzle at the Foster gas station was successfully replaced with a new fueling nozzle. We start off the day with a daily safety meeting to ensure that the team understands safety and emergency procedures. The Lockout-Tagout (LOTO) procedure was followed to prevent the flow of any fuel during the replacement process. The team removed the temporary nozzle and then carefully drained the remaining fuel through the drain plug. After the Sealing tape was wrapped on the threads to increase adhesion at pipe joints, the team installed a new fueling nozzle.

The Lockout-Tagout (LOTO) procedure

Step 1: LOTO procedure

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Step 2: Temporary nozzle removal

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Step 3: Draining of remaining fuel

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Step 4: Wrapping Sealing tape

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Step 5: Instlation of new fueling nozzle

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Step 6: Completed

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