Nomescorp is renowned for its expertise in fuels, construction, engineering, and environmental support

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by NOMES/ on 15 Apr 2024

Nomescorp is renowned for its expertise in fuels, construction, engineering, and environmental support

Nomescorp is renowned for its expertise in fuels, construction, engineering, and environmental support. They have demonstrated their commitment through projects in Japan and the Indian Ocean, including urgent electrical repairs at Yokota air base, sealant replacement in Okinawa, and various inspections and repairs on Diego Garcia. Their ability to mobilize expert teams quickly and efficiently under challenging conditions highlights their dedication to supporting clients anywhere, anytime.

Nomescorp manages urgent repairs by quickly mobilizing expert teams, even under challenging conditions. Their approach involves deploying specialized technicians, such as master electricians, to address specific issues efficiently. For example, at Yokota air base, they resolved an urgent electrical issue by replacing defective components in just 5 days, demonstrating their ability to swiftly return capability to facilities.

In Okinawa, our team of technicians has begun a project to completely replace all containment sealants throughout the base, following DLA sealing procedures for repair. This project includes repair of concrete and damaged areas as well.

On Diego Garcia, our crew of dedicated professionals mobilized to complete inspections and various repairs throughout the island, completing the mission in just 15 days.

Anywhere, anytime, Nomescorp will be your go-to for fuels, construction, engineering, and environmental support.

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