Nomescorp recently completed a project for our Automated Fuel Handling Equipment

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by NOMES/ on 07 Apr 2024

Nomescorp recently completed a project for our Automated Fuel Handling Equipment

Nomescorp recently completed a project for our Automated Fuel Handling Equipment (AFHE) prime contractor in Sasebo at the Iriozaki Fuel Terminal. Our project management team, along with our senior electrical engineers, mobilized to remove the AFHE electrical system throughout the facility to the Operations Control Center (OCC) building. The project also involved the removal and demolition/disposal of all AFHE aerial fiber optic cabling, power cabling, and conduit from utility poles and in-ground areas throughout the Iriozaki Fuel Terminal. Nomescorp completed the project on schedule and on budget.

Whether it’s fuels maintenance and repairs, electrical repairs and construction, and many other services (see our website) , Nomescorp is your go-to service provider.

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